Hero Ellie Pregnant Spa
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It is with great delight that right now we get to return to the Barbie Games category, where Super Barbie Games and Spa Games have not been added in quite a while, so we have a feeling that we are going to make many of you very happy, because not only these two types of games get combined in this one, but in this one Ellie is also pregnant, which we believe makes the game even more interesting and fun to play. It is a must-try, trust us on that! From the following part of the description you learn how to play the game, so do not hesitate to read this before you begin playing. Well, on the screen you see the woman in the bathtub, with all the products and items you need for her spa session all around you. A hand is going to always indicate where you have to click on, so click where you are being shown, in order to do everything for the spa correctly, so that by the end of the game Ellie exits the spa both refreshed, and looking better at the same time. Start now, let the fun begin, and do not hesitate to play some more new games we will be bringing you here today, as we guarantee that they are worth your time!
How to play?
Use the mouse.