Sailor Grandpa Puzzle
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One of the characters from The Pooches about which we haven't talked about would be one of the grandparents of the children, who we are going to refer to as Sailor Grandpa, and he is included in the latest game from the The Pooches Games category, a game called, obviously, Sailor Grandpa Puzzle. Grandpa used to be a sailor in the old days, and he loved his job so much that he dresses like one even today, which is why he has the look that he has. He is a fun character, and we are sure that you are going to enjoy solving this jigsaw puzzle very much. Of course, we don't want you going in empty-handed, which is why first, we are going to show you how to solve it. When you begin the game, all the pieces will have already been shuffled and thrown randomly on the game screen. Using the mouse you are going to take the pieces and drag them on the screen, binding one to another to form the picture. If you look closely at the form of the pieces and their images, you can't have problems solving the puzzle. We wish you all good luck at solving the puzzle, and expect you to try all our other fun The Pooches Games after that!
How to play?
Use the mouse.