Bridal Dress Designer Competition

Bridal Dress Designer Competition

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Come back in short time to play it! ðŸĪ—


Right now, each and every one of you are welcomed back to the Wedding Games category of our website, where we have kept on bringing you one awesome game after the other, and the reason for doing so is because we have noticed how much you love playing these games, so we figured that the more, the merrier, right? Well, that is why today you will get to play not one, but two new awesome games here, starting with the one called Bridal Dress Designer Competition, which we highly recommend to everyone. Because of that, allow us to explain how it works right here, making it easy for you to give it a chance! In this game, you do not dress up a bride but work as a fashion designer, and you are going to create the dress from scratch. You will get a request, so you have to figure out the best way to come up with the dress that was asked of you. To build it all, you are going to use the buttons that you can see at the bottom of the screen, each one representing a different aspect of the dress, and put them all together until the dress is complete, and we are positive you will be very happy with the results. Good luck!

How to play?

Use the mouse.