Moana First Day in New York

Moana First Day in New York

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One of the latest and best new dress up games that we are very happy to be sharing with each and every one of you right now in our category of Moana Games is this one, a game called Moana First Day in New York, with which our administrative team has had lots and lots of fun with, from start to finish, so we knew that this needed to be the next game we share with you all, and something tells us that it is going to make lots and lots of girls from all over the world very happy. Right here and now we explain what it is you have to do, so make sure that you read this to the end, carefully! First and foremost, because she is in New York, she wants to be fashionable, so the first thing she is going to do will be to go shopping, so help her buy the best clothes, footwear, and accessories that are on sale. Afterward, go through her wardrobe of clothes you just bought and put them together for a great outfit, and also pick a haircut, so that she is going to look stunning in her adventures in the New Apple! Let the fun begin right here and now, and stick with us since plenty more awesome games are on their way!

How to play?

Use the mouse.