Storytime with Bernard
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Welcome all of you over to the Bananas in Pyjamas Games category, which is one of the many new categories of games we are very happy we managed to create on our website, where we are going to be working very hard to bring you one awesome game after the other, all of them highly recommended, because we have had lots of fun with them, so we knew that bringing them over is going to make lots of children worldwide very happy, kids who come here knowing the best games ever are available for them. Now, allow us to explain the format of the game so that after you read this you play the game with ease! In this game, you are going to hear stories from the old dog Bernard, and you get to use the mouse to interact with the story, using your magic wand to do all sorts of things. The three stories that you can take part in are called: A day at the beach, The Missing Trophy and It's Clean Up Time. Get into these stories yourself, doing whatever it is you want to, and we are sure that you are going to have a blast like only on our website is possible!
How to play?
Use the mouse.