Doki and Professions

Doki and Professions

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Right now we have returned to the Doki Games category of our website, and we are positive that this is something making many of you very happy, considering that past games that have been added on this page have been very well received by visitors, so we have no doubt at all that the same is going to be true of this one, a game called Doki and Professions, where you learn things about all sorts of interesting jobs that you can have in this world, which is something important to know. To begin with, you choose if you are a boy or a girl, and if you want to know what else you do in the game, make sure to read this description fully! After choosing if you are a boy or a girl, go through the jobs available for your gender, and choose one. You can dress up the character, but usually, you have a mini-game that you play, and all the games are specific to the job you have chosen, so you will learn about the jobs in a really fun way, which was the whole point of the game. What are you waiting for? Let the fun begin right now, and we are sure you will not regret playing this game in the least!

How to play?

Use the mouse.