Garfield English Sight Words
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We are tremendously happy that right now we got the chance of returning to the Garfield Games category, a category of games that we know is quite well received on our website, which means that bringing more new and interesting games in it it was a great decision to take, so for anything in the world you should not miss the opportunity of playing this one too, a game that is called Garfield English Sight Words, and is one of the best word games this category has ever had. We will now explain more about what you do in the game, so we recommend reading this to the end before you begin playing! Start by choosing between the different levels of difficulty you can play this game in, such as ABC, Pre-K, K, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. You will have a sentence at the bottom of the screen, with each separate word in it being highlighted. You will then have balloons of words flying into the air, and you have to click on those that are the same as in the sentence until you have popped the balloons to the entire sentence. Good luck to you, and we hope that you will enjoy this game plenty, just like we have had!
How to play?
Use the mouse.