Two Punk Racing

Two Punk Racing

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We don’t think that it is ever a bad time for new racing games in two players to be added on our website, which is why we are very excited that right in this instant we got to share with you a new and awesome game such as Two Punk Racing, which we have a feeling will be one of the most popular new games of the day, considering that boys have always loved cars games in 2 players, since they get to race against a friend or family member, making the stakes higher and the game more fun.

In this new game, you will notice that you will be taken to the future, because the tracks that you will drive and race on are tracks set in a cyberpunk world, just like in your favorite movies from that genre. Player 1 will use the w, a, s, d keys to control the car and press Y for nitro, while Player 2 uses the arrows and the M key. Both of you need to do your best to race against one another, with the first one reaching the finish line being the winner.

The screen is split in two, so be wary of your own car. Only two cars are available at the start, but as you progress playing you will unlock better and faster models, to make the racing even more exciting. Start right now, have a blast of a time, and leave nowhere, since there are even more awesome games coming for you right now and here!

How to play?

Use the arrows and w, a, s, d keys.