Poppy Survive Time: Hugie Wugie

Poppy Survive Time: Hugie Wugie

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All horror fans are welcome to try Poppy Survive Time: Hugie Wugie online for free right now, one of the best new action-adventure games this series has had, especially since there have not been many shooter games added in it so far!

Huggy Wuggy is haunting the Poppy Playtime factory, survive his horrors!

You will use WASD to move around, mouse to aim and shoot, F to hide, interact, or use items, G to drop items or throw grenades, T to unhide, R to reload, C to crouch.

If you are playing in the ESCAPE mode, through the levels you have to find the necessary items and clues that will help you get out of the factory unscathed, all the while hiding from Huggy who is searching for you to kill you.

There’s not much hiding to do in the SHOOTER mode, where you use the weapons you find or have to shoot down Huggy as well as other monsters that you might encounter through the factory, getting points in return for killing the demons.

We wish you good luck and all the best, inviting you to stick around for more fun to come, you can never go wrong with our daily content!

How to play?

Use WASD, F, G, T, R, C, mouse, spacebar, shift.