FNF x Hero’s Journey

FNF x Hero’s Journey

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In the new FNF x Hero’s Journey mod of our website we invite you to go up against Hero, an adventurer who is used to doing his battles with swords and magic, but today he has to do it with music since he has met Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin', who is now his challenger in a rhythm battle that you will help win on all the following songs:

  • kick it
  • ringside rave
  • Anomaly
  • voodoo puppet
  • playdate

BF Vs Hero, your newest musical journey is here!

After making a choice between the story mode and free play mode, know that to win you have to do the same thing, which is playing your notes according to the charts until the songs conclude. This means that when you see arrow symbols above BF, you need to press the identical arrow keys. Miss once too many times, and you lose. The best we wish you all, as per usual!

Mod Credits:

Original Credits:

  • ninjamuffin99
  • PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
  • Kawai Sprite

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

How to play?

Use the arrow keys.