Cute Pets Summer Dress Up

Cute Pets Summer Dress Up

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We’ve added Cute Pets Summer Dress Up as we know that it’s been a while since we’ve had any new dress-up games with animals on our website, but lots of kids, girls and boys alike want to play them, even more so if they can be played on phones and tablets too, like this one!

Let’s dress up some cute pets for the summer, making them cuter!

Three pets are featured in this game, and next to them you have buttons with which you can change the color of their fur, and their haircut, and you can accessorize them with crowns, bows, batons, toys, and even wings.

It’s that simple, so mix and match to your liking and have tons of fun as only here is possible, where we will never stop bringing you the best new games on the internet!

How to play?

Use the mouse.