Rainbow Friends: Horror Playground

Rainbow Friends: Horror Playground

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Rainbow Friends: Horror Playground is a new original game developed in-house which is meant to make you fall in love even more with the Roblox Rainbow Friends Games that are currently at the height of their popularity, with our team knowing very well how much you enjoy these scary survival games 3d online!

Survive the Horror Playground of the Rainbow Friends!

The premise is just like in the original game, meaning that you have to find the required toys, shown to you in the top right corner, and make sure that as you search for them through the playground, you don't get caught and captured by the Rainbow Friends: Blue, Green, Purple, Orange, or Red.

Use WASD to move, space to jump, and shift to run. Look around with the mouse. It's that simple, so now that you've understood everything, and we're sure you did, let the fun begin as only here is possible!

How to play?

Use WASD, space, shift, and the mouse.