Bunny Make Belive
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Another great new game from the Max and Ruby Games category has just been added for all of you on our website right now, and the game that we are talking about is a game called Bunny Make Belive, in which you will be able to play make belive with these awesome bunnies, which we are certain that you will find to be a very enjoyable experience, most definitely! Well, basically, this is a scene creator game, a game in which you will be able to make a scene of the characters to look however you want to, and we are sure that you will enjoy that activity very much. Before you start the game, you are invited to read the next part of the description, where we explain exactly how the game works, for you to do a good job at it! You will use the buttons on the bottom of the game screen to alternate the scene. You will be able to select four things to make your scene: places, friends, which are basically characters, props, which can be all sorts of household items, and last but not least, clothes for the characters, who you can make look however you want to. As you can see, the game is very easy, so start it right now, and have fun!
How to play?
Use the mouse.