Mommy Rapunzel Playdate Prep
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It's time for everyone to play a brand new game our administrative team has gladly added into the Rapunzel Games category on our website, a game that is called Mommy Rapunzel Playdate Prep, and which we recommend to all of you, as you can have a lot of fun playing it, which is usually the case with the games added into the Rapunzel Games category. In this game, Rapunzel is a mom, and she is going to take her daughter to a playdat with one of her friends from kindergaden, so she and the baby as well need to prepare, in order to be presentable. Find out more about what you will be doing in the game from the next part of the description, which we invite you to read right now! Firstly, you will use the buttons on the bottom side of the game screen in order to take care of the baby, making sure it is happy and behaving corectly. Afterwards, you will get on to the best part of the game, the dress up one, where you will choose from the wardrobe a really nice outfit for Rapunzel to be dressed up in. Well, we think that you need no further help, so we invite you to start the game right now, and have a lot of fun!
How to play?
Use the mouse.