Teen Cute Pastel

Teen Cute Pastel

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Welcome to Teen Cute Pastel, yet another simple and effective dress up game for girls we totally recommend here on our website, where we've always brought you some of the best games in this genre on the internet, and this one should not be overlooked either, with our team now explaining how easy it is, in case you're new to this format!

Dress up the Teen in a Cute Pastel outfit!

On the left side of the screen and girl, you can see the options you have to change her looks, beginning with her skin tone and eye color, which you can use to make her look more like yourselves.

You then get to mix and match various tops and bottoms, earrings, necklaces, purses, leggings, and hats, with all the clothing and accessories being in pastel colors, which the same is true for the hairstyles you will pick out, or the shoes.

It's that simple, so feel free to begin now, as you know it all, and then invite your friends to do the same, they are not going to regret it. Enjoy!

How to play?

Use the mouse.