Blonde Sofia Equestrian

Blonde Sofia Equestrian

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Blonde Sofia Equestrian is an animal caring game and dress game for girls all at the same time, which features this beloved character whom you know you are always willing to play new games with and have a blast of a time, as you’re guaranteed to have right now too, something we’re going to teach you all about, worry not!

Turn Blonde Sofia into an Equestrian!

You will begin by choosing a name for the horse, whom you find in the wild, dirty and hurt, so you’re going to wash and treat it first. Brush the dirt, swat the flies, wash the horse, cut its hair to a proper size, and heal its injuries with medicine.

Also work on the hoofs, which have some really old horseshoes on them, which need to be replaced, and the feet healed and cleaned up. Next up, dress the horse in competition clothing, using saddles and the other special gear they are known for too.

Finally, you can also dress up Blonde Sofia in an equestrian outfit, using the clothes, accessories, shoes, and hairstyles given to you, so finish off the game with some fashion. Enjoy!

How to play?

Use the mouse.