Radiant Rush

Radiant Rush

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Radiant Rush is one of the best minimalistic car racing games online where you focus on steering only, in a world of colors and fun!

Start the Radiant Rush Online!

There are multiple ways of steering your car here, available for both computer players and mobile players:

  • Click to drive the car with the mouse;
  • Use the Left and Right or A and D keys from the keyboard.
  • Tap left or right on the touch screen if playing on a phone or tablet.

Reach the portals without leaving your race tracks, because if you do, you lose. Don't go off-course!  Collect as many data cubes as you can along the way, since they represent your score.

You cannot change the speed of the car, but it will automatically get faster level after level. How well you can you steer when you're driving fast? The sizes of the courses also change from one stage to the next, as they get bigger.

Of course, if you go off-road, or crash into anything dangerous that can cause you to stop, you lose and have to restart. Hone your steering skills to avoid it from happening, and beat all the game's levels instead!

Benefits of the game:

  • car steering games improve eye-hand coordination;
  • car driving games improve reflexes;
  • hypercasual driving games improve focus;

How to play?

Use the Mouse/A, D/Left, Right/Touch Controls to steer and drive.