Regular Show Park Strikers
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Come and play one of the most interesting games belonging to the Regular Show Games new from our website, where you are now able to play the game called Regular Show Park Strikers, which is a very fun game that is also one of the most interesting 2 players games online out there. That't right, this game you will be able to play in one player, or in two players, depending on which one you choose at the beginning of the game. Despite the title and the image, this is not one of the regular bowling games online, but is instead more of a matching game online, which we will explain to you next. You have to use balls to break pins of the same colour. The more pins you break at once, the better. If you place the pins in blocks, you will create power blocks, and chain reactions are super powerful. Breaking pins sends counter pins to mess up your opponent, and when the counter reaches zero, they change back into normal pins. Counter pins can only be broken by breaking pins next to them. By dropping the soul ball on any colour, you will break all pins of that same colour that are on the screen at the time. You will lose this game if the pins reach the top of the screen. Now, go ahead and play this wonderful game, and start having fun!
How to play?
Y - Move Up
G - Move Left
J - Move Right
H - Drep Down
K - Rotate Right
L Rotate Left
P - Pause Game