Clarence Saves The Day
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We are at the first official game with Clarence named Clarence Saves The Day, a good and nice game where you have to help him once more because tomorrow is one big day: mom's b-day! He want to buy or make something for her really nice and with good taste so we have to help him to make something really awesome, you could do that? The first objective in the game is to find his money, and I will give you a hint, is in his piggybank. After you find it, take it and put it in the bascket and after that search for a big and strong hammer with it you will breake the piggybank and take all the moneys from it. After the piggybank is broke, you can take the money out and go to the store to find some nice gifts for Clarence's Mom. If you like Clarence Saves The Day game, a new official Cartoon Network game, com back for more. Forward you will have to help him to go and search for a good store, for some presents, and more objectives that you will get from the game.
How to play?
For playing Clarence Saves The Day you have to use the mouse.