Angry Birds Special Cannon

Angry Birds Special Cannon

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You like that game with some birds that seems to be really angry and they destroy everyting that is in their way including some green pigs? If the answer is yes, you are in the best place with a great variaty of games like angry birds! Today on we have a new application for kids, boys and girls that is playeble for Pc, Laptops and other devices that have Flash Player. In Angry Birds Special Cannon you have to do the same thing that you have done in the previous games, and that's to destroy how many pigs you can. Here you will don't have a big catapult, but a cannon with whom you will shoot the birds in the pigs. Try to think a good strategy before you shoot because you will just lose points if you don't hit your targets. Playin games like Angry Birds Special Cannon will increse your skill levels, so you will be more good in each day!

How to play?

Play Angry Birds Special Cannon using the mouse.