Once Othello
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Welcome to Once Othello, one of the newest Once Games/Disney Eleven Games on our website, which is a category we know is very popular all over the world, just like sport that it focuses on, which is football, or soccer, as it is called in America. Well, this game is not a sports one, though, like you may have realized from the title, since in this game you are going to play a classic and old board game, which is othello. It is a game where you have to think and strategize, being very fun, and we will explain the format right now. In Once Othello there will be two characters dueling each other. You are going to play for one of them, which means that you will use the red pieces. Using the mouse, you will put pieces on the board, in the spaces, and you will place them in empty spaces somewhere next to the opponent's blue pieces. That is because you have to transform blue pieces into red pieces. You have to do that as good as possible, because the winner will be the one who at the end of the game has more pieces of their color on the game screen. We want to wish you all good luck, and the best possible time ever!
How to play?
Use the mouse.