Princess Juliet Carnival Escape
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We now return to the Princess Juliet Games category, where right now we want to offer you all the game called Princess Juliet Carnival Escape, which is another amazing escape game you will love from start to finish, which is how we enjoyed the games, and which is what made us bring it over to you all as well. The setting of this game is a carnival, as Juliet has been kidnapped by some clowns, and you will help her escape their confines. How? Don't you worry, because we will be explaining right here and now how the game works! You first begin by choosing one of the levels of difficulty, depending on your age. You will go through three levels in total in this game. In each level you use the mouse to look around the room, and there you have to find all sorts of clues, interact with objects and characters, and solve all sorts of puzzles. You get points for each activity you do, so try to do as many of them as you can. Once all the necessary clues have been found for that level, you will be able to go on to the next one. What are you waiting for? Let the fun begin right now, and you will have a blast!
How to play?
Use the mouse.