Tsum Tsum Villain Tower

Tsum Tsum Villain Tower

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Welcome all to Tsum Tsum Villain Tower, which is one of the newest Tsum Tsum Games and stacking games we have added on our website, and we are sure that you are absolutely going to love playing this game, because we had a similar game here before, which used the same method of gameplay, only this one is going to have Tsum Tsum dolls of the many villains in the Disney franchises, so it is fitting for Halloween, which is why we knew we had to have this game here. We will be explaining it right here and now, so pay attention if you want to do a very good job at it! You have to stack the items as high as you can, and also try to catch the bubbles as well, to get extra points in return. You only have three lives, so watch out. You get 100 points for each successful time you stack up. You click when you want the item that moves to the left and right to drop on the tower you are building. That's really all there is to it, so we are sure you will do a fine job, so give this game a go right now, and then try the many other new and amazing games we have added today on our website, as they have all been added for you and your enjoyment!

How to play?

Use the mouse.