Treasure Truck
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Today we are going to return to the amazing category of Armor Games, where we wish to offer you all yet another slate of awesome games to play, and we thought that it would be best to start with Treasure Truck, since we don't think that any other truck games have been added here before, so strap yourself in and get ready for a really awesome experience, courtesy of our website! While you might have played other truck games in the past, none of them have been like this one, since the goal you have for using the truck in this game is to dig for treasure. It is as fun as it sounds, so let us explain how you do it right here and now. You will move using the left and right arrow key, and when you need to use the clamp you press the space bar. In each level you have several tasks that you need to accomplish, like using the clamp, drive a certain number of meters, or picking up a certain number of treasures along the way. You have to complete all of the requirements in each level and then advance, where new challenges are going to wait for you. We're sure you will do great, so start playing right here and now!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and space bar.