Springtrap's Rampage
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Springtrap's Rampage is one of the newest shooting games we have added into the Five Nights at Freddy's Games category, where we guarantee you that you have not played any other games such as this one, so hopefully you are down for an experience that is going to be unique, fresh, and certainly entertaining from beginning to end. How do we know all this? Well, because we made sure to play it before adding it, so we know it from experience. Have no worries at all, because the way the gameplay works is going to be explained right here and now, so pay close attention! Use either the arrow keys or W,A,S,D keys to move the character, space bar to jump, and E to collect items. Use T if you want to throw an axe. Aim your gun using the mouse, and when you are ready to shoot, click. If you use another type of weapon, get close to your enemy, and then tap on them to hit. For some enemies you have to use certain types of weapons to kill them, and remember to conserve your health, because you cannot replenish it. There is no more for us to tell you than just wish you good luck and an awesome time with this game!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys, space bar, E,T keys, and the mouse.