Oggy Mania
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Oggy Mania is the first game that we are delighted to share with you all into the Oggy and the Cockroaches Games category on our website, which is a brand new category of games we are very happy we have managed to create for our website, and in it we are planning on bringing you as many awesome games as possible. We know that this is a hit show in many countries all over the world, so surely you will want to play games with these characters. We are now going to explain how this one works, so make sure you pay attention to these following lines! Your goal is to get four balls or more of the same color to touch each other, because then they are removed, and you gain points in return. Move them using the left and right arrow keys, with the up one making them rotate, and the down one making them fall down faster. It is basically a tetris game, only you will be matching colored balls, and you have to do it four or more at a time. We are sure you get it, and we are sure you will do a great job, so start playing right now, and stay with us, since more games with these characters are going to follow all day long, for sure!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys.