Word Detector
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Trust us when we say that you have not played any games such as Word Detector on our website before, so this is a chance you should really take, especially because the game can be found on our website, and you know very well that only games of great quality get added to our website, so if we did not think that Word Detector would bring a lot of joy to our visitors, we clearly we would not have added it. Of course, because we played this game before adding it, we know what you have to do in it, so we will be explaining it right now, so make sure that you pay attention to this all to the end! On the game screen you are going to see brackets, where letters are supposed to be, and these letters have to form words. On the bottom of this you will find the letters that need to be used. You click and drag the mouse between them to form the words that you think go into the empty brackets. Get it right, and then move on to the next words you have to get. Now that you know this, start the game immediately, have fun with it, and then maybe try the other new games we have added here today!
How to play?
Use the mouse.