Blaze Road Maze

Blaze Road Maze

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Welcome all to Blaze Maze Road, the first game that our administrative team has added today into the Blaze and the Monster Machines Games category, which we know is a beloved category of Nick Jr Games/Nickelodeon Games from our website, which is why we want to do our best and make sure to bring you new games into it daily, until this category is complete and you will be able to have a complete experience with these characters in this game. Of course, we will now proceed by explaining how the game works, after which you should have no problem playing it at all! There are going to be a total of five levels for you to go through. Each level represents a maze, which you will see from the top, so you are going to guide Blaze through it in order to reach it's end each time. To do so, simply click in the direction that you want him to go, and he will do so, and when you reach the destination, you win the level and move on to the following one. Start right now, enjoy, and when you are done, do not forget to check out other games from the same category, as we can guarantee you they are all worth your time!

How to play?

Use the mouse.