Blue Helios
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Welcome everyone to Blue Helios, which is a platform game unlike any other you might have played in the past, trust us on that, which is how we knew that we had to share it with you all, especially after having had lots and lots of fun playing it ourselves, so there was no way that we would not share a great experience with each and every one of you as well. Now, in this game, you are a creature of blue light which is tasked with repairing different devices after some bad stuff happened to this world, this being a game with a sci-fi setting. We will now explain how you do it, so have no worries about your performance at all! Well, you move using the arrow keys, fix devices using the space bar, and you use A and D to flip the screen to the left and to the right, as you need to do that to fall from one platform to another, in order to reach all the devices. Only after you have fixed them all you should reach the end of the level, which is going to grant you passage to the following one. We wish you all good luck, and invite you to try the previous new games of the day, as we know you can have lots of fun with them, just like we did!
How to play?
Arrow keys, A and D, space bar.