Cleo and Cuquin Sliding Puzzle
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For the last time in a while, here we are, back to the Cleo and Cuquin Games category, where our administrative team might have added puzzle games in the past, but never before have we added sliding puzzle games, so playing Cleo and Cuquin Sliding Puzzle is going to be a fresh experience for you fans of these Nick Jr Games, so we absolutely wish that you will not miss the chance to play it. If you want to learn how this kind of puzzle is solved, make sure to read the description to the end! From the top of the game screen you are able to choose several things: first of all, you choose which one of the three puzzles you want to solve, then you can choose how many pieces you want it to have, and finally you decide if you want to use some hints or not. To see a change done, click on Restart Puzzle. You then have to click on the pieces that are next to the blank spot, moving that piece into it, which is the way that you move the pieces around, until you have gotten them in the correct place to complete the picture. Good luck, and don't forget to check out the previous new games of the day, as they are awesome as well!
How to play?
Use the mouse.