Mission To Mars
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Mission To Mars is the first game our administrative team has added into The Backyardigans Games category, which is the latest category of Nick Jr Games we have created for our website, for which we are very happy, since just like this game, we know that we are going to be able to offer you all sorts of awesome games to play, all of which we recommend, but we are sure that most of you will play them anyway, since this is quite a popular show on the network. We are now going to explain the game's format, so that when you start playing it you are not going to have too much trouble. Slow down with the left arrow key, speed up with the right one, and to jump you are going to press the space bar. You are going to use these keys to drive the rover around Mars, avoiding all obstacles in your path, and not only that, but grab the three jewels that are necessary for you to complete the mission, after which the astronauts will be able to return home. As you can see, it is easy, and it is also lots of fun, so start the game at once, enjoy, and stay with us if you want all day long to play awesome online games!
How to play?
Use the arrow keys and space bar.