Bratz Love Meter
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If you are a girl I'm sure that you know Bratz dolls, but today we will not play with them because today it's a big day! If you think that you and your crush will be togheter in one day, today you can find out if it's true or not! In this new Bratz Love Meter game you can insert 2 names, one of your and one of your crush, boy or girl, and after that press the Test button. In seconds our sistem will try to find if you two match toggether and if it's so, you will see! After you will press Test in the right you will see a love thermometer with some inscriptions like "not if you were the last two on earh", "don't bet on it", "Posible, maybe, some day, some way", "Love definatly in air" and the best one, "Real Life Romeo and Juliet!". So, what what responses you received from our newst Bratz Love Meter game, the best tester in love!
How to play?
Use the mouse to play Bratz Love Meter.