Olli Ball
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Welcome all to Olli Ball, which is our newest addition to the Animal Games category from our website, and the reason why this belongs here is because it is also one of the newest elephant games from our website, since Olli is an elephant, and you are going to control it, having to help him get his loved rubber ducks, and while helping him you are guaranteed to have a tremendous time, like we can say we have already had with this game. Of course, we will right now explain it to you, after which you should be having no problems at all in playing and winning it! You are going to use the mouse to tap when the meter reaches green in order to set the speed, and when rolling down, press it again when the meter is on green in order to set the angle. The goal is to go for as long as possible through the air, and there do your best grabbing as many rubber ducks as you can, because they are going to represent your score, and surely you want a big one, right? That is really it, so we wish you all good luck, inviting you to stay with us all day long, in order to be up to date with all of the best new games on the internet!
How to play?
Use the mouse.