Lego Friends Games
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We are very glad that on our website we have got to create the Lego Friends Games category, which we know for sure is going to become one of our most popular ones, as it is filled with some really amazing games. Try them right now, and remember to also tell your friends about how they can play Lego Friends Games on our website!
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Lego Friends Games
On, our administrative team tries it's best to make sure that we bring you the most awesome games on the internet, every day if possible, which is why right now you find yourself on the page of the Lego Friends Games category, which is one of the latest categories that we have created especially for this purpose, since for us to bring you new games, we have to continually expand our website, and offer you new categories with new characters and things to do, making things on our website fell fresh all of the time. This Lego Friends Games category is definitely going to help with that a lot, especially since it is a category of Lego Games, and these games are very popular all over the world, just like Lego sets are, since they are some of the most unique and incredible toys you can buy a child. Lego has a lot of franchises in itself, some of them being adapted from major movie franchises or other toys, but they also have their own original series, and Lego Friends is one of them, which is a product range that started in 2012, and it is aimed primarily at girls, which is something that the franchise really needed, since Lego toys were usually bought and played with by boys. Well, it seems that it was a smart decision to create this product range, since ever since it's inception five years ago, it has been really popular, with more and more girls from all over the world discovering it and falling in love with the characters, which makes us believe that there is a lot of interest in the Lego Friends Games we are going to offer here, games which we are sure are going to be enjoyed by a great deal of you. Another reason why we believe Lego Friends Games are going to be really popular and appreciated on our website is because they cannot be found on many other websites with flash games, so we are very happy that we got to get ahead, and that we can satisfy a hole in the market, with some really great quality games. Of course, if you are already a fan of the franchise, and you may have bought products from it, you will jump straight at the chance of playing these games, but if you do not know this world, and would like to learn more before you begin playing Lego Friends Games, then we definitely invite you to continue reading this description, where we are now going to provide you with more information, not only about the characters and the setting, but about the games you will be able to play as well, and after you are done reading all of these things, we are certain you will waste no time at all and begin playing the games, having thus a really amazing time, like we hope is the case every day on our website! The story follows five girls who are friends with one another, each with their own individual personalities and traits, living in the fictional town of Heartlake City, which is why you can also find these games on our website by searching for Friends of Heartlake City Games. These five girls are called Andrea, Emma, Mia, Olivia, and Stephanie. Of course, there are a lot of other characters in the franchise, but this is the main group that we follow in the sets and in the animated content. By building sets focusing on each of the girls, you can find out more about their interests, and about the different locations around the city where those girls spend most of their time in, making for a really amazing interactive experience. There have been some animated specials that accompany the franchise, in addition to a 2016 direct-to-dvd animated movie, and all of these things together have made the franchise really popular, and now Lego has a lot more female customers, since before the launch of this franchise, 90% of it's customers were comprised of boys. As for Lego Friends Games, you can play games where you explore different parts of Heartlake City, puzzle games, skill games, animals games, dress up games, or even sport games. No matter which game you find and decide to play on our website, we have absolutely no doubt that you will have an amazing time doing so, like we think that is the case with all of our games. Remember to tell all of your friends as well that on our website they get to find and play such amazing Lego Friends Games, because we are sure that you must have friends who also want to have a great time with such games, and may have not been able to do up until now. Good luck to you, and enjoy your time here!