Super Dino Fighter
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Super Dino Fighter is a brilliant game from our website which manages to combine dinosaur games with fighting games, and robot games, all together, resulting in an awesome experience for you all to have, from beginning to end, which is why we really hope that none of you miss out on the opportunity to play it, since that would be a real shame for everyone. We are sure that boys, but even girls, are going to enjoy it a lot, especially since we have had similar games here before, and they have been played many times. Now, in this next part of the description you get to find out what to do, so pay attention! Well, to begin with, you will be building the robot dinosaur you will use in battle. With the mouse, you take the parts from the right, and put them on the model, where they match it. You are being timed, so try your best to finish it up quickly. After that, you enter that dinosaur in battle, where you do your best to take out the other robot you are fighting with. Good luck, and if you want to have more fun, you are in the best place for it, so stick around!
How to play?
Use the mouse.