The Fairly Odd Squad

The Fairly Odd Squad

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Right now on our website, and only on our website, you get the really awesome chance of playing the game called The Fairly Odd Squad, which is the newest addition to the category of The Fairly OddParents Games on our website, a beloved category of Nickelodeon Games based on one of the longest running shows on the network. The show has recently introduced a new character, a girl named Chloe, who is Timmy's neighbor, who also has Wanda and Cosmo as her guardians. Well, learn what this game is about, then play it and have a lot of fun. Well, in the game, Wanda's wand has been stolen by an evil creature, so now you have to travel across the three worlds in order to get it back. First, you have to choose with which of the two characters you want to do that, Timmy or Chloe. Move the character with the arrow keys, and jump with the up arrow key. Along the way, grab the magic shields, and grab the stars for bonus points, but avoid the robots and the nests, because if you touch any of them three times, you lose the game, and we are sure you do not want that to happen. Start your adventure right now, and have a lot of fun!

How to play?

Use the mouse.