My Little Pony Winter Fashion 1
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We invite you to start playing the first game in the series of My Little Pony Winter Fashion Games, which is a series which we are going to start with the game called My Little Pony Winter Fashion 1, the first game of the installment. We already have a game with a similar title, but this series is different than that one, and in each of the games in the series you will have the chance to dress up one of two little ponies. In the beginning of this game, you will have to choose between dressing up Rainbow Dash, or Fluttershy. That is just the beginning, and more about how you can play the game you are going to find from right here, so read and pay attention. After you selected the pony you want to dress up, you will do that by using the panel on the right side of the game screen. You will be able to select the haircut of the pony, to add a scarf, then you will select her outfit, you can put a hat on the pony, and last but not least, choose the footwear. All the clothing is winter-appropiate, so have no worries. You are going to have fun dressing up the ponies for winter, so go ahead and start playing the game right now!
How to play?
Use the mouse.