Little Pony Rarity Dressup

Little Pony Rarity Dressup

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We have now returned to the My Little Pony Games category, which we know is one of the most beloved categories from our website, which is how we knew that adding this game in it was one of the best decision that we could take for this day, as we have no doubt at all that you are about to have lots of fun playing Little Pony Rarity Dressup, especially since there are not that many dress up games in this category, and since we also know that Rarity is one of the most beloved characters from this group. We will now be explaining how the game works, after which you should be able to play it with lots of ease. Well, as you are going to notice, when you begin, Rarity will be very dirty, so it is going to be up to you to clean her up, which you are going to do by clicking where the arrows on the screen show you, so that you are going to make the pony squeaky-clean, and only after that will you be able to dress her up. For that part of the game, use the buttons you see on-screen, and change the outfit however you want to, making the pony even more beautiful than she already is. Start now, and have a great time!

How to play?

Use the mouse.