Paw Patrol Search Mission

Paw Patrol Search Mission

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Come back in short time to play it! ðŸĪ—


Welcome to the page of the most recent game that we have added in the Paw Patrol Games category here on our website, which we know that it is one of your favorites, so we think that you are going to be very happy that we have added this game, and you will have a lot of fun playing it, for sure. If you enjoy playing hidden objects games, then even more so, as this game belongs to this categorization, even though it is not like the ones you are used to, where you will find objects in still images. No, this time you will get to interact with the objects and characters in a fun way, but more on that in the following lines of description, so read carefully so that you will know what to do! Ryder is going to show you the object you need to look for in the room, and then click on it. They are usually next to one of the puppies, so look carefully at each of them and their surroundings, and you really can't miss it. Once you are done with all the objects the game is finished, but you can alawys start over and look for some of the other items! We hope that you enjoy this game, and play even more of our fun Paw Patrol Games afterwards!

How to play?

Use the mouse.