Obby Escape: Gym Arm Wrestling

Obby Escape: Gym Arm Wrestling

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Obby Escape: Gym Arm Wrestling is a new kind of simulator game we now bring you into the Roblox Games category, where you get to join a blocky gym where bodybuilding is important, of course, but more important are also your skills with your hands, since you're going to arm wrestle your foes, the only way to escape out of the gym with Obby!

Help Obby Escape through Gym Arm Wrestling!

Move around the gym using the WASD keys, use the spacebar to jump, and use the mouse to interact. Buy equipement from the arm strength and biceps area of the gym, and then keep clicking on their buttons to train those parts of your body, and increase your stats.

Take your newfound power to the first enemy, the Noob, and do arm wrestling against one another, clicking repeatedly to pull their hand in, and if you win by knocking theirs down, you earn points.

Use what you've earned to buy weights that are bigger, and better equipment, since that will help you gain even more strength, and go up against the next foes until you have defeated the boss, at which point you can escape.

Arm wrestling is the law of the land in this gym, and you should also buy new skins for yourselves, pets to work together with, jewelry, and fun accessories. It's as simple and entertaining as that, so feel free to begin, and invite your friends to do the very same!

How to play?

Use the WASD keys, spacebar, mouse.