Whats That Sound

Whats That Sound

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Today we come back to the Fireman Sam Games category, and we are very happy we get to do so, because this is a category we are going to be working very hard on for as long as possible, until there are no more awesome games to bring you here, since we want to make sure that each of our categories are as developed as possible. These games are both fun and educational at the same time, which is certainly going to be the case with What's That Sound, which is a game all about sounds. Now, let us explain the format, after which playing the game should be very easy. Well, you are going to hear a sound, which you can play again if you click on the button in the middle. After hearing the sound, you need to identify what it is from, so click on one of the options presented to you, which are always in the form of images. It is that simple, so now that you know, waste no time at all, start playing, and maybe invite your friends over to check out these cool games as well, and they might also have a wonderful time here!

How to play?

Use the mouse.