Inazuma Eleven Trivial
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All sorts of Inazuma Eleven Games have been added so far to our website, but never before have we had any trivia games added here, so we are very happy that right now we get to share with each and every one of you the game called Inazuma Eleven Trivial, which is a game that is going to test how well you really know these characters, so if you are a big fan of the show, we are sure that you will do great. If you don't do great, at least you will learn new things through it. Right here and now we explain how the game works, so make sure to pay attention! You will be asked questions, and for each of them, you choose one of the three available answers given to you on the screen, using the mouse. You have a limited amount of seconds to answer each question, and if you don't do it before the timer reaches 0, you lose and have to start all over again, and who wants that to happen, right? Good luck to you in playing this wonderful game, and if you are up for more fun, you are luckily on our website, where the fun is always happening with our amazing friv games!
How to play?
Use the mouse.