Totally Spies Memory
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In the Totally Spies Games category of our website there have been all sorts of games added so far, but never before have we had any memory games added, so you can count on us being excited that right now we get to share with you the game called Totally Spies Memory, a game with which we are sure everyone will have a great time, as memory matching games have always been great, and they are even better when they feature beloved characters such as Alex, Sam, and Clover. We will now teach you how the format works, so after reading this, you are not going to have difficulties with the game, trust us! You start with 1000 points. There will be cards on the screen, all face-down. Click on two at a time to turn them over, and when they are the same, they get removed, and you receive 100 additional points. You lose 10 points each time you flip around two cards that are not the same. Once all of the pairs of cards have been found and removed from the screen, you will have won the game, simple as that! Start now, and we hope you check out what other great games we have added here today for you, all for free!
How to play?
Use the mouse.