Bumblebees Music Mix
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Bumblebee from Transformers has always been associated with music, which is why at all we are not surprised that right now we get to share with everyone here a game such as Bumblebees Music Mix, a really fun music game online where we are sure that together with this transforming robot you are going to have a really great time, just like it has been the case for us, because that is why we made sure to share the game with you in the first place. We will be explaining all about how it works here so that you don't have problems with it! In order to put the songs together, you have to solve a Tetris-like puzzle, where you use the mouse to pick up the blocks and place them in the empty slots until they are all filled. This way you fix up the songs, and you have to fix them all twelve to win. Also, you have to finish each level before the time granted for that runs out on you, or you have to start all over again. That is basically it, so good luck to all, and we hope to see you checking out even more of the great games of this day after this one!
How to play?
Use the mouse.