Shopkins Coloring Book

Shopkins Coloring Book

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Shopkins Coloring Book is a brand new game from this category in which we have not added any new content in quite a while, and we are very happy to be doing so right now, as we have no doubt at all that everyone playing this game is going to have a blast from start to finish, just like it has been the case for us, because that was the reason why we added it in the first place. Don't you worry, since this following part of the article explains what you have to do, so when you finish reading this you will be giving the game your best! Begin by choosing which page from the book you want to color first, and there are going to be plenty of options. You then use the colored pencils to color the images, clicking and holding the mouse while moving it on the screen in order to apply the colors, simple as that. Now, if you want to do something over, you only need to pick the eraser and use it however you see fit. Good luck, and don't stop here, since more awesome games are on their way for you right at this moment, and we would love it if you were to play them all like only here you get the chance to!

How to play?

Use the mouse.