Pixie Twins Birth
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Birth games are already really fun on their own, but they can only get even better when they give you the chance to give birth to twins, no? Well, that is true, and, even more so, this latest new game from our website also features Tinkerbell as the mother, and playing with this fairy is always really fun, so now you have even more reasons not to miss out on playing this game for anything in the world?
Because contractions have started, you will call 911 for the ambulance to come to pick her up. Before it arrives, pick what she needs such as toys, a camera, her slippers, and a towel. After that, you change her in new clothes. You will then use the cup of water, the bell, and the oxygen mask to keep taking care of the fairy until the ambulance arrives to get her to the nursery.
At the hospital, use the sponge on the drenched new mother, and use the towel to dry off the newborns, and then you cut the umbilical cords using scissors. Put the babies in the beds which also weigh them, which is an important detail at birth. You will then put powder on the babies, give them fresh diapers, and then roll them in their nappies.
Give the mother the pills she requires, to swallow with water, and then hand her the babies for feeding them. Thanks to you and all these things you did, Tinkerbell will return home with two beautiful twins and her family will be a happier one!
How to play?
Use the mouse.