Goldie Princess Mommy Birth
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Welcome back everyone to the Tangled Games category, where right now we are offering you all one of the newest baby birth games online from our website, a game we are positive you are going to enjoy greatly, considering that the previous game that had this format today has been very well received, and this one is no doubt going to be great as well, since this one features none other than Rapunzel, and we know how big fans of Rapunzel Games are visitors usually are. In case you want to learn how it works first, learn from this description. Well, you are going to be helping Rapunzel deliver her baby from the first contractions, to way after the birth when she is going to bring the baby back home. You are going to help her pack, do the necessary examinations, then bring the baby into the world, and then take care of it, and only then bring it back home. To do all of these things correctly, simply click where the hand on the screen shows you, and so you are going to do everything as it has to be done. Good luck to all of you, and we hope you will then check out some of the other games we prepared for you here today, as they are totally worth it!
How to play?
Use the mouse.