Cars and Spiders on Mars

Cars and Spiders on Mars

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We have a feeling that you have never before played any new and interesting games such as Cars and Spiders on Mars, which is precisely why our team is very delighted that such a new and exciting game could be provided to you free of charge now and here, in the form of a 3d game where you get to visit Mars, something that so many people are eager to do as of late.

In it, you will drive through the vast planet of Mars by using a buggy-like machine that can turn into a spider if you want to, with the planet having quite a bumpy terrain, so try and be careful not to overturn and crash. You use the arrow keys to drive around the planet, and with the spacebar, you jump.

To switch between the different kinds of cars and spiders available to you, use the select button and then shuffle through them until you find a pick you like. You will have a Mars that can have different terrains, such as green lands, red desserts, and more, so we recommend exploring as much of this planet as possible for the most fun to come out of playing this game!

Don't hesitate to try it out right now, and hopefully, you will play even more of our new games of the day when you are done with this one!

How to play?

Use the arrows, spacebar, mouse.