Cars Thief 2 Tank Edition
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We are very happy that right now on our website we get to offer you all the game called Cars Thief 2 Tank Edition, which is one of the newest in the series of Cars Thief Games that we have started adding into the GTA Games online category, which is honestly the best category that fits these games, where we are sure they are going to be very well received, and not only that, but played by lots of boys from over the world. This one is just like the previous one, only instead of stealing cars, you are going to steal tanks! Awesome, right? Want to know how? Then we invite you to read this to the end to find out! Move or ride a car using the WASD keys. Shoot using the mouse, F to enter or leave a car, shift to walk, C to crouch, Tab for the menu, and R for reset. Go around the city, stealing cars, and then use them to get closer to the tanks, which you should also steal, and then get back to your home base. Stealing tanks is going to get you lots of money, with which you are going to be able to do lots of awesome things. Shoot and defeat anyone standing in your way. Good luck to all, and we hope you are going to have lots of fun!
How to play?
Use the WASD keys, mouse, F,C,Tab, and R keys.