Pole Dance Battle

Pole Dance Battle

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You should never miss out on any of the amazing new skill games in 3d offered for free on our website, especially when they are as fresh and awesome as the one you get to play right now, a terrific new game called Pole Dance Battle!

Get the right poses to complete your pole dance!

In this game, you will control a pole dancer whose pole is moving forward on an obstacle course, with the obstacles being represented by walls. The walls have cut-ups into them that take the shape of a certain dance move.

Well, you click and hold the left mouse button to get into the right pose, and you can also move the dancer up and down since the holes can be in various spots. If you go through them all, you win.

At the end of a level you get points, but you get even more of them if you rotate to collect the stars given by your adoring fans.

Now that you know how to enjoy this game, we are sure that you will give it your best from start to finish, and have fun as only here is possible!

How to play?

Use the mouse.